How does the graph y = tan x evolve when x goes from 0° to 90° and from 90° to 270°?

Unité 2: La représentation de fonctions Travail formatif 2.1 (Section 1 et 2) Section 1: Comparison of functions. Section 2: Graphs of sine and cosine functions. Question 1: Sketch the following functions and then determine the domain, image, y-intercept, x-intercept, and whether it is an increasing or decreasing function. a) b) c)   Question 2: […]

Does this change in policy shift the demand curve or the supply curve in the market for loanable funds? Why?

Econ 100B: Macroeconomics Problem Set 6 (25 points) Suppose we have a Keynesian consumption function where autonomous consumption is $600 and the marginal propensity to consume is 0.60. (5 points) Write an algebraic expression for the consumption equation. (5 points) Sketch a graph of this consumption curve that corresponds to the consumption equation above. Include […]

Sketch some key points of critical analysis of the article.

Select on of the two Articles – For the Title Question Select ONE of the two articles you found in your earlier search for this module. Sketch some key points of critical analysis of the article. You can draw on the various readings/resources provided for this work. Next, develop your outline into a short paper […]

What is the average discharge per unit width at x = 525 ft (in units of gal/ft/d)?

The unconfined aquifer shown below is situated between two surface water features. The aquifer overlies impermeable bedrock (elevation of 90 ft) and has a hydraulic conductivity of 46 ft/d. Surface water feature 1 has a water elevation of 156.3 ft and surface water feature 2 has a water elevation of 149.0 ft. The distance between […]

What further changes are needed for there to be a sustainable change in the incidence of child labour in developing countries such as Pakistan?

Child labour in developing countries 1.What further changes are needed for there to be a sustainable change in the incidence of child labour in developing countries such as Pakistan? 2.Sketch out the main processes between a customer placing an enquiry and receiving delivery of a WDT transformer. Where has WDT really scored in terms of […]

Calculate the reaction forces by the factored girder weight and the factored concentrated loads .

For the beam shown below, answer the following questions (50 pt). Normal weight concrete (a) Calculate the factored dead load. Hint: Girder weight shall be calculated. Consider the volume of concrete rectangle section (i.e., 12×40 in). The unit weight of concrete is 150 pcf . The load factor of 1.2 shall be multiplied. (b) Calculate […]

What do you imagine contributing to our community at MIT?

MIT Media Lab – Future Sketch – Statement of Purpose We would love to know one important thing you imagine contributing to the world upon graduating with a masters of architecture degree from MIT. As you share your thoughts with us, also know that, we are less interested in your qualifications, and more interested in […]

Does this channel make sense for your product or service in terms of your target consumer-Is your target consumer on this channel?

Service Marketing Plan Assessment Instructions: You will continue your Product or Service Marketing Plan ( 6.5) by adding a Retail and Omnichannel Strategy and an IMC Strategy. Use the below resources and your own research to help determine marketing channel selections for your target consumer. Social Channel Demographics Print Advertising Demographics (Links to an […]

How does Schaefer characterize Debous work? Is it applied-clinical sociology?

WEB DUBOIS In your paper describe who and what Dubois purported. Complete a short  autobiographical sketch from the book and other readings, Include his research interest and data collection methods. Cite each references. Then delve into his approach. How does Schaefer characterize Debous work? Is it applied or clinical sociology (see page 17)? Which of […]