Describe the development of your skills and knowledge whilst on hospital placement.

Description You should submit a 1000 word piece of reflective writing describing the development of your skills and knowledge whilst on hospital placement. Please use the marking scheme as a guide. You should aim to cover the following: -Identification of learning needs and links to University learning (pharmacy course), be specific about what outstanding learning […]

Explain What are the primary challenges and how does the interviewee utilize his/her KSAs to address the challenges?

Description Field Activity Part 1: Field Interview Analysis The student will conduct interviews with 2 current healthcare administrators in either a direct or non-direct healthcare facility. The student will submit an analysis of the key knowledge, skills and abilities needed to succeed in the positions as described by these professionals. Include the perspectives of the […]

Explain Do you use your personality traits to convince followers to support you? Do you build relationships with others using your leadership skills, creating a bond where you work towards a common goal? Do you serve a collective group with a passion for a particular issue?

Description No sources needed! Please answer just by using your own words. Thank YOU! Level of Leader Identity describes how you display and deploy your leadership behaviors. Do you use your personality traits to convince followers to support you? Do you build relationships with others using your leadership skills, creating a bond where you work […]

Do you agree that you would be good at or like either of them? If yes, why? If no, why not? Explain using your skills, experience, likes, and interests as support for your answer.

What were two occupations O*NET found that fit your skills, interests, and experience level desired? Provide the details regarding the following. Name of the occupations (10 points each, 20 total) Do you agree that you would be good at or like either of them? If yes, why? If no, why not? Explain using your skills, experience, likes, […]

Evaluate and modify instructional resources and curriculum materials for their comprehensiveness, accuracy for representing particular concepts in the discipline, and appropriateness for his or her students.

Program competencies and national standards assessed in the benchmark assignment: COE 2.2: Evaluate and modify instructional resources and curriculum materials for their comprehensiveness, accuracy for representing particular concepts in the discipline, and appropriateness for his or her students. [InTASC 4(a), 4(f), 4(g), 4(j), 4(n), 4(k), 4(o), 4(q),5(i); ISTE-T 1c] COE 3.4: Select and create learning […]

Describe Gianna’s conversationalskills.In particular, is sheproviding contingent, non-contingent or imitative responses? Who is doing the topic initiations and how? And how is s/he repairing miscommunications?Provide and interpret examples.

MORPHO-SYNTACTIC DEVELOPMENT1.CalculateGianna’sMLU,sayinwhatstageofgrammaticaldevelopmentsheis,andwhetherthisisappropriateforherage.Giveexamplesofutteranceswithdifferentmorphemesandshowthatyoucancountthem.2.What type of sentencesdoes Giannaproduce? Are there more declaratives, negatives, or questions in the sample?Are there complex sentencesat all?DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE 3.Describe Gianna’s conversational skills.In particular, is she providing contingent, non-contingent or imitative responses? Who is doing the topic initiations and how? And how is s/he repairing miscommunications?Provide and interpret examples.4.Are there examples […]

What is the importance of a professional development plan and MW competencies?

As an introduction – What is the importance of a professional development plan and MW competencies? A planned sequence of formal and informal competences to assist you in achieving your goals that reflects career awareness, career exploration and career preparation Details of your work experience to date Your employability skills/ Mental Wealth competencies Analyse and […]

What is the importance of a professional development plan and MW competencies?

As an introduction – What is the importance of a professional development plan and MW competencies? A planned sequence of formal and informal competences to assist you in achieving your goals that reflects career awareness, career exploration and career preparation Details of your work experience to date Your employability skills/ Mental Wealth competencies Analyse and […]