Describe How did the activities in which you were involved demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and abilities in meeting your selected program competencies?

Instructions Experiential learning opportunities are an essential way to focus on the knowledge, skills, and abilities you need to realize your career goals. You have specifically selected this course as an opportunity to earn practical experience in your chosen field to help realize these goals. In your journal, post your experiences and reflections on a […]

Where do the researchers agree and disagree? Provide examples. Having analyzed the literature and primary sources, what is your opinion on this issue and why?Discuss.

Written Assignment 4 Written Assignment 4 requires you to articulate and discuss what you have learned during your research. [MO 4.2, MO 4.3] Instructions Now that you have gathered, organized, and assimilated the relevant literature on you topic, take a step back and consider what you have learned. Critically analyze the arguments and conclusions you have […]

What new skills can you now apply? • How it will impact your practice in the future?

Verizon LTE 10:47 AM 52% ■ I • What new skills can you now apply? • How it will impact your practice in the future? • Did you experience any “a-ha” moment(s)? • What new connections did you make from your class, textbook, research, and experience? Requirements: • Your paper must be APA format […]

How do you evaluate yourself in terms of critical thinking skills? Give a few examples.

Hi, below are the essay instructions: In this individual assignment, you are expected to reflect on your experience in this course so far by focusing on various elements of critical thinking. Your paper should reflect a critical analysis of the critical thinking concept through an emphasis on examples, personal stories, and an account of how […]

What is life skills training? Describe the role of life skills training for the prevention of drug abuse in a.dolescents and young adults.

th. How does declaring a e 11.11.4nrgettcy help et.irb the oploid s, “2′ 2 points hat is the impact of rimea.hug the ..,11,4Tordable Care Act on putt,lic health. efforts to control tie opioid eiiiidenlic? 4 points.; 3. What is life skills training? Describe the role of life skills training for the prevention of drug […]

Discuss what you would have either done differently or why you agree with the management skills being implemented in your example.

For this management reflection assignment, locate a current example of a management practice or action. Your example can be from the local news or the national news but must come from a reputable source. Your example may be a “good example” of management or a “bad example.” From what you have learned this semester, reflect […]

Write a 2-page essay that examines the capabilities of one of your community’s voluntary disaster organizations in terms of the kinds of services they might provide during a disaster, how capable they are of doing such things as home repair or running emergency shelters, and how much time volunteers might have to participate in disaster operations.

Write a 2-page essay that examines the capabilities of one of your community’s voluntary disaster organizations in terms of the kinds of services they might provide during a disaster, how capable they are of doing such things as home repair or running emergency shelters, and how much time volunteers might have to participate in disaster […]

What have you learned in the course that will help you continue to grow as a professional in your chosen career?

1. What have you learned in the course that will help you continue to grow as a professional in your chosen career? 2. Which specific assignment for this course was your best work? Name one. What makes it your best work? What did you learn by creating it? What does it say about you as […]

Have you ever seen something in practice that you have wanted to change? If so, and if evidence supports the change you would like to make, this is your opportunity to write a practice change proposal.

In this module, you will have the freedom to creatively envisage an innovative new way of working in your practice setting and the opportunity to hone your practice proposal writing skills. Have you ever seen something in practice that you have wanted to change? If so, and if evidence supports the change you would like […]

What barriers do you need to overcome to reach your goal? What challenges do you anticipate?

SKILL DEVELOPMENT PLAN TARGET SKILL #1 Target Skill #1: Specify the skill you are developing this development plan for (e.g., Communication, Technology, Productivity) Strengths: Describe your strengths in this skill. Areas of Improvement: Describe areas of improvement in this skill. Desired Outcome: Describe your goals around developing this skill during your time at Strayer. Think […]