How would you approach these medications or alternative medications in this case scenario with a pregnant patient?

HPI: Sherrie Masterson is a 24-year-old female with a history of hypothyroidism, with a 3-month history of persistent vomiting, followed by the gastroenterology service; she is thought to have gastritis based on a recent upper endoscopy report. She continued to have vomiting and weight loss, so she presented to the emergency department and was found […]

Describe in more detail the impact of these insults to collagen and elastic fibres; consequently what are the resulting effects on the skin in terms of pigmentation, elasticity and wrinkling?

Description: 3bA: For a 10 mark question you should be elaborating each point you make. Consider an opponent’s argument that refutes the impact of cosmetic procedures upon psychological wellbeing by criticising the studies and surveys that exist, as they are often driven by marketing data, and contain bias or have poor methodologies. 4bA: The majority […]

Locate an ad for a skin improvement product that attempts to use evidence-based data to promote its effectiveness.Analyze the ad’s claims and categorize these claims as accurate or inaccurate and explain why.

Paper details: Locate an ad for a skin improvement product that attempts to use evidence-based data to promote its effectiveness. For example, an ad might say something like this: with natural botanical enzymes that exfoliate your skin. Analyze the ad’s claims and categorize these claims as accurate or inaccurate and explain why.