Describe how the different communication techniques and other interactions led to improved learning for the child.

Design an assessment, play, or activity that allows you to interact with a child age eight or younger in a one-on-one situation. Your plan should: Demonstrate one of the theories from last week’s readings in action (for example, Piaget, Gardner, Vygotsky, Skinner). Help promote the child’s role in directing their learning through interaction. Then write […]

How are Riley’s memories connected to her thinking, motivation and emotions?

Movie: Inside/Out Include three (3) additional outside sources of your choosing If some of the concepts used are not in your textbook – LOOK THEM UP Some of the concepts are things you’ve previously studied, some are not. Content requirements: Watch the movie: Inside-Out Take notes as you watch the movie regarding Riley’s emotions, memories, […]

Describe how you would apply at least one concept of Skinner’s and one concept of Bandura’s together to change one behavior of your choice

WEEKS SIX AND SEVEN DISCUSSION: SKINNER AND BANDURA 1) B.F Skinner and Albert Bandura both studied how people learn and both devised theories based on their research and observation, but they came to somewhat different conclusions. For this assignment you will need to do all of the following: a) Describe the concept of “free will” […]