How many television sets are there in your household-How much time do you spend in an average day watching TV?

INTERNET, CYBERSPACE and SOCIAL MEDIA 1. Do you own a cell phone, an I-Phone or a Smart Phone? Why and When do you use it? How? Have you ever come close to being struck by a vehicle as you are crossing a street? 2. Do you have a favorite website? 3. How much and what […]

How do you believe mediated communication has improved organizational communication?

Communicating Part I Mediated communication and social media (e.g., email, blogs, Facebook, Skype, and Twitter) have played a major role in changing the way that organizations engage in communication with their customers and with employees internally. Communicating through electronic media is referred to as mediated communication. There are pros and cons to using mediated communication […]

How you can differentiate between brand extension and line extension-Discuss with the help of examples.

9.2 Action Required: Watch the short video in the following link: 9.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): How Project Managers handle Risk in Projects explain. Risk in Projects bring Opportunities as well Threats. Explain 9.4 Instructions: Answer the question in test your knowledge section. Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link […]

What makes WebEx a better collaboration tool than something like Skype or Google Hangouts?

Do some independent research on Nicholas Carr (the author of “IT Doesn’t Matter”) and explain his current position on the ability of IT to provide competitive advantage. Review the WebEx website. What features of WebEx would contribute to good collaboration? What makes WebEx a better collaboration tool than something like Skype or Google Hangouts? Think […]

How do you handle your work-life balance-What suggestions do you have for someone who is interested in this field?

Informational interview of child development manager In Part 1 of this activity, you will complete the following tasks: Watch “How to Do an Informational Interview.” Select your prospective interview candidate. See below for guidance on identifying a suitable interviewee. Gather professional/biographical details about your prospective interview subject. Request an interview by email, by phone, or […]