Describe your language teacher’s error treatment style. Does/Did your teacher overcorrect or undercorrect? To what extent does/did your teacher follow the model at the end of the Chapter 9?

Description First read chapter 9 of our course text, focusing on errors and error corrections. Then, watch this 10-minute ESL teaching video clip on YouTube. After watching it in slow motion, find and transcribe 4 instances of corrective feedback. For each instance, you are to: Identify and categorize the errors Describe how the error was […]

Examine the ways in which different theories of Second language Acquisition (SLA) have dealt with the presence of first language in those acquiring an L2 and show how views have evolved over time.

Description Question: To what extent may the first language affect L2 acquisition? Examine the ways in which different theories of Second language Acquisition (SLA) have dealt with the presence of first language in those acquiring an L2 and show how views have evolved over time.