Considering crime is both a legal and social construct, compare the various approaches to legal thought presented in chapter 3. Be sure to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Description answer the questions and read chapter 3 from Slate and Hopkins 1) Considering crime is both a legal and social construct, compare the various approaches to legal thought presented in chapter 3. Be sure to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each. 2) Slate addresses several ways that mental illness can be stigmatizing. Provide […]

Why is addressing mental illness in a Criminal Justice context important?Explain

Description answers the questions and read Chapter 1 from Slate and Hopkins 1) Chapter 1 in Hopkins-Burke introduces four contemporary models of criminal justice development. a. Summarize the four models. b. Which model do you prefer? Explain why. 2) Why is addressing mental illness in a Criminal Justice context important?