How can organizations help ensure the effectiveness of formal mentoring programs?

Training Concepts Part A: Essay Questions (2-3 paragraphs each): 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a centralized training function in an organization? 2. What are the principles of adult learning theory (andragogy) and their implications for training design and delivery? 3. List and describe the interrelationships among the five phases of the training […]

What additional information might you want to have about the competitors and/or about the marketplace?

Comparing Smartphones (A) ⦁ Do you think the iPhone is well positioned with respect to its competitors? Which competitors should the iPhone be the most concerned about, and why? ⦁ What additional information might you want to have about the competitors and/or about the marketplace? ⦁ What factors accounting for the iPhone’s continued success are […]

How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds” by Nicholas Carr and using quotes from these essays as support.

Synthesizing creates a new idea through combining two or more sources with our own thoughts on the topic. Keep track of your own smartphone activity for 1 or 2 days, noting the times and reasons for use. Then, write an essay on the benefits and dangers of smartphone use, stating whether you agree and/or disagree […]

How might they revise their strategies to align with good ethical practices?

Case studies are an essential learning strategy in business classes as they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in which your business resides in order to formulate a recommendation for […]

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation”?

Response to “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation”? When you finish reading Jean M. Twenge’s essay, respond to the following question: Write a response to Twenge explaining and reflecting on what your smartphone means to you. Your response must be 2 pages long and include support from the essay as a way to argue your response.

Who are the players? (Identifying the competition, as well as, the external and internal stakeholders needed to make this work)

Discussion 3 INSTRUCTIONS (must be a paragraph response for each question) Imagine that you are a strategic management analyst and prepare a report for the CEO. (50 points): Chapter 3 (pages100-102) covers the choices firms make in entering new markets. Reflect on Chapter Case 3 (pages73-74 & 86) and discuss how Airbnb might have answered […]

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation”?

Response to “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation”? When you finish reading Jean M. Twenge’s essay, respond to the following question: Write a response to Twenge explaining and reflecting on what your smartphone means to you. Your response must be 2 pages long and include support from the essay as a way to argue your response.

How consumption and production has changed in the past 10 years. what are the factors that have changed consumption and production

The demand and supply of smartphones and tablets part 1. overview of the industry – how consumption and production has changed in the past 10 years. what are the factors that have changed consumption and production part 2. how this industry is creating market failure – government failure? market failure? or both? – smartphone/tablets does […]

Create a blog post to address the smartphones and social media usage in children.address the costs and benefits of smart phone/social media usage by kids, and also provide some advice and guidelines to parents (like Maia’s mom) and caregivers (like Esther) on smartphone/social media usage.

“Maia’s mom was not kidding when she said that Maia is GLUED to her phone. She’s on it all the time, and now I can’t even get her to go to sleep. Her mom is worried that she is addicted to her phone and wonders about the effect it’s having on her. At first I […]

Discuss.Do you feel we are dependent on our smartphones? Why? Why not?

Written Assignment 2 Answer any two (2) of the following questions. Answers to each question should be in the range of 500-700 words, or the equivalent of two-three typed, 12 point font, double-spaced pages, and include at least two references other than those in the reading assignments. Please note that your references should begin on […]