Explain how one or more of the article’s tips on email etiquette will be adapted into your computer-mediated communication.

Article Critique – Email Etiquette Read the article entitled, 14 email etiquette rules every professional should know https://www.businessinsider.com/email-etiquette-rules-every-professional-should-know-2015-6, then write a paper about your thoughts on this article. In your paper, be sure to also address the following: – Argue for or against the article’s tips on email etiquette being helpful. – Criticize at least […]

Why is it “in the light of Tao nothing is best, nothing is worst”?

This assignment asks you to write a 350 word or so essay that analyzes one of the following passages listed below. (Again, 350 words is not a word “limit,” but just a guideline, something to shoot for when you are writing.) In particular, examine one of these passages in light of the “foundational ideas and […]

Analyze your results to determine your susceptibility to illness and your vulnerability to stress score

Discussion Question I After completing your personal Recent Life Changes Questionnaire (Miller & Rahne, 1997) and the Vulnerable to Stress Survey (Miller & Smith), you need to analyze your results to determine your susceptibility to illness and your vulnerability to stress score. (Both Tools are within your syllabus under Unit I) Your discussion post should […]

Explore what she means by this statement. Then, reflect on a patient that you cared for that you could apply her theory to-Provide details of the interaction and outcomes.

Margaret Newman Theory Discussion Question: Newman pointed out that, “nurse client relationships often begin during periods of disruption, uncertainty, and unpredictability in patient’s lives” (Smith & Parker, 2015, p. 288). Explore what she means by this statement. Then, reflect on a patient that you cared for that you could apply her theory to. Provide details […]

Describe your thoughts on the situation. Expound not only on this situation but on the concepts you are reading about this week.

Mercy Killing Ethics It is late at night and two police officers, Smith and Jones (longtime partners), are involved in a high-speed chase that has taken them several miles from a metropolitan area. Officer Smith, who is driving, loses control of the car, and the car rolls several times before coming to a stop. He […]