What is some important background information and history about the issue people need to know to understand the social justice issue more fully?

Mass Incarceration 250 words with 3 sources answering these questions on the topic of mass incarceration. Why does it matter that people know about the social justice issue? What is some important background information and history about the issue people need to know to understand the social justice issue more fully? What is currently going […]

Describe Adlerian, existential, and Person-Centered theories in-depth with consideration of foundational application.

Counseling Theory Describe Adlerian, existential, and Person-Centered theories in-depth with consideration of foundational application. Conceptualize how each theory influences each aspect of counseling practice. Include in your response the strengths and limitations of both theories and how best to overcome the limitations. The question must synthesize the ethical, multicultural, and social justice implications of each […]

What major ethical principle does the case violate, if any-Does the case support a major ethical principle?

  Read the information about social justice. http://s3.amazonaws.com/thf_media/2009/pdf/hl_1138.pdf Then read the article here about the Philando Castile case. https://time.com/4400930/philando-castile/ Last, you will need to refer to the Code of Ethics for the Society of Professional Journalists. https://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp Identify and summarize the main points of the case or article. Social justice has a varied history and […]

Explain this quote -why language is important to achieve social justice.

Social justice “The revolt against brutality begins with a revolt against the language that hides that brutality.” Explain this quote and why language is important to achieve social justice. In your own words, describe the “savior complex” and describe why you need to resist, How can transformative justice help create social change?

Which is the more important consideration when making ethical decisions, obligation or consequences? Why? Give an example. 

Journal Entry Assignment Journal Activities – Ethics: How Should One Live? (Choose one) Activity A3: Record your thoughts. Which is the more important consideration when making ethical decisions, obligation or consequences? Why? Give an example. Journal Activities – Political Philosophy (Choose One) Activity B4: Record your thoughts:  What does Social Justice mean to me?

Where do Social Workers fit in the fight for democracy and social justice?

Why political protests and revolutions occur Address the following topics in the order they are listed, each with their own heading: SECTION 1: Why political protests and revolutions occur SECTION 2: A recent case of political protest related to a fight for social justice Why did it start? What is was being fought for? What […]

How does equity, diversity, and social justice shape an issue in school psychology that is of interest to you?

“How does equity, diversity, and social justice shape an issue in school psychology that is of interest to you?” and include the following: • Any concerns and opportunities for equity, diversity, and social justice within your issue of interest • Any personal, academic, and/or professional experiences that have shaped your understanding and commitment to equity, […]

What measures could be taken to reduce the growing gaps between identifiable groups in Canada and encourage greater social cohesion, in light of diverse cultures and income disparity in Canada?

Diversity and Social Justice You may choose one of the topics below: Homeless, pregnant and parenting adolescent mothers have an increased need for health supports and health education for themselves and their children. What resources are available for them in the community? What are the unique diversity needs of inner city populations? In considering rural […]

What are some detriments of having labels for mental health disorders?

7-1 Discussion: Are Psychological Disorders Manifestations of Society and Culture? The Article In this discussion, you will explore the concept of public perception and the impact it has on the mental health field. By reading the Forbes article, Researchers Doubt That Certain Mental Disorders Are Disorders at All, you can see that perceptions regarding mental […]