What can you learn from this that you can apply to your communication efforts when you need to make an apology on the job?

Choose ONE of the options below and develop a posting that follows the guidelines provided. Do you follow any companies or brands on social media? If so, what value do you get from following them? Do these accounts offer useful information or entertainment value in addition to promoting products or services? Have you ever had […]

How do past social mediated interactions influence your future decisions concerning mediated communication?

PRACTICAL APPLICATION Part I Based on the reading this week in the lessons take a look at the following questions. Social media platforms provide individuals with increased opportunities to engage in online discussions. How does social mediated communication benefit interpersonal communication? How does it harm interpersonal communication? How does your relationship with the person you […]

Identify the sections and sub-sections within each branch as well as a short description of what each will cover (if applicable).

Lab Report 8 For your second draft you will identify the sections and sub-sections within each branch as well as a short description of what each will cover (if applicable). Note: Not all sections will have sub sections, and in some rare cases some branches may not have any sections Follow the following format: The […]

Analyze the Copy’s appropriateness, originality, and persuasiveness.

Midterm word doc Course learning outcomes: Marks Task no CLO1: Identify the process of building commercial campaign strategy 4 1 CLO3: Critique the use of visual and textual aesthetics in commercial campaigns 8 2 CLO7: Demonstrate responsibility for self-directed and self-learning skills 4 1 & 2 CLO9: Show understanding of ethical values in advertising industry […]

Do you think the case violated any laws-explain why or why you did not agree with the court ruling.

The last week in our course covers legal and ethical issues in social media. Pick a court case that involves social media and research it. Then answer the following questions: What was the case about? Write a brief overview of the court case. Which laws were considered broken? Describe which legal issues were brought into […]

Who has or should have primary responsibility for managing fake news and its consequences (i.e., social media companies, advertising companies, business, everyday citizens, government authorities, or others)? Why?

Discussion Post When we hear the phrase “fake news” we often think of politicians and the media. However, businesses also perpetuate fake news, often unwittingly. LeanSpa, an Internet retail business that sold purported weight loss products under various brand names, hired LeadClick to provide online advertising through its affiliate network. Toward that end, certain LeadClick […]

Do you think the company you are assessing has an effective strategy for using social media as a marketing tool?

Social Media and Marketing Pick a company that uses social media as a marketing and branding tool. Review at least three social media accounts your company of choice uses and assess the following: Based on their social media, how would you describe the company? How is the company trying to portray itself on social media? […]

Compare and contrast at least three ways the media covered a weather event, sporting event, or disaster event.

Media coverage In roughly 500 words, talk about the similarities and differences between these three media sources and how they covered this event. Remember, post your original response and reply to at least 3 classmates. For this week’s Discussion Board question, compare and contrast at least three ways the media covered a weather event, sporting […]

Describe how social media can promote the levels of education and awareness that help to enhance well-being.

Using this template, respond to the below prompts, which focus on deconstructing the stigma associated with abnormal behavior. Support your position with a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences per bullet, using credible sources. Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Often a person describes an abnormal behavior as weird […]