Identify the population that you are interested in researching and the social media platform you will use to target the population.

Bibliography Your Social Media Campaign project in this course requires you to research and describe the effects of alcohol on a selected population of interest and develop a social media campaign strategy to target this population. Identify the population that you are interested in researching and the social media platform you will use to target […]

Explain the influence of information accessibility through different forms of media on individual and social norms.

Reflective Journal 2 Write a 1-page journal entry (approximately 250 words) in which you:Describe three benefits you or others have experienced with social media. Discuss two dangers you or others have experienced with social media.Complete the page/word amount requirement. Write with clarity, following mechanics and formatting requirements. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:This course […]

What other ways will you use social media in the future? How will you use what you learned in your work as a reporter or other future career?

Complete and submit your semester-long public social media presence by writing a one-page summary of what you learned, including a screen shot of your main Twitter analytics page. Include the final number on how many tweets you posted in your report as well. What did the assignment teach you? What could you have done to […]

How is social media harmful to a relationship?-Explain your topic and state the specific question that you are addressing.

How is social media harmful to a relationship? Explain your topic and state the specific question that you are addressing. Presentation of an Argument Describe the scholarly source on one side of the issue. Present what you see as the main argument from that source . Evaluation of the quality of the reasoning in this […]

What are some corrective actions that your organization can take to remedy this issue?

PR Nightmare: Drunk Driving This group of PR Nightmare assignments will challenge your Crisis Control ability to publicly respond to a specific type of case that impacts your sports organization. Your response should take into consideration the issue at hand, and provide a balanced and measured appropriate response to this breaking news issue. Consider that […]

Discuss the disadvantages of a social media presence to a practice. Discuss possible complications and liabilities with the use of social media as it relates to a dental practice.

Description Write a paper discussing the following: a. Discuss the advantages of a social media presence to a practice. Describe several ways social media can be of value to a practice. b. Discuss the disadvantages of a social media presence to a practice. Discuss possible complications and liabilities with the use of social media as […]

Discuss “Customer Engagement on Social Media”. Samsung on any social media channel and analyse its customer engagement.

Description Task Overview and Approach The research topic of this year is related to “Customer Engagement on Social Media”. Samsung on any social media channel and analyse its customer engagement. Research topics can be (but not limited to) motivation for customer engagement, customer engagement behavior, antecedents or outcomes of customer engagement. Student should also refer […]

Explain what all the symbolism in the advert means?What digital measurements did they do?

Consider how to answer these questions. What are markers looking for? – That you have read and really understood the case, you can apply theory, you have done lots of research and reading and can analyse the case. An answer should include An explanation, not a description, to the question. The explanation will need to […]