Discuss the importance that interdisciplinary collaboration would have related to the policy.

Social Media discussion Integrate outside scholarly sources and social media postings Healthcare policies impact all populations. Now, with the use of social media, policies involvement and awareness are rising. 1. Take a moment to review the Twitter feed for compelling Tweets that are related to healthcare policy and are directly impacting your community or those […]

What was the speaker’s main expertise? and what was the main reason to shift to social media?

Why Social Media Is Ruining Your Life Watch the following video and answer the following questions based on the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBeWrNgMVeM&t=4s You can submit this assignment on Blackboard 1- What was the speaker’s main expertise? and what was the main reason to shift to social media? 2- What was her company’s business model? 3- “Social […]

Identify and evaluate the channels (be specific) that would be best to communicate with the publics involved. Consider both traditional media and digital/social media.

Conduct research and identify a recent PR campaign executed by an organization. Article Link: https://www.prdaily.com/how-to-fix-your-gen-z-marketing-problem/ In the attached document, type answers to the following questions in your own words. Organization: Explain the organization that executed the PR. Issue: Explain the issue. Publics: Identify the publics involved. Action: Identify the action the campaign created/addressed. Channels: Identify […]

Which framework serves as the film’s theoretical foundation, without being explicitly mentioned in the film? Identify one theoretical framework that is central to the film’s approach and outline ways in which the film utilizes it.

Media Documentary Film: This film is a documentary about the impact of media on children and youth. It is available as a streaming video on the MacEwan library website. Barbaro, B. and J. Earp (Directors). (2008). Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood. Media Education Foundation. (Running Time: 67 min). Respond to both of the following […]

Should Americans be required to complete some form of national service?

Mandatory health insurance Overview: Over the course of the last few units, you have been working on crafting the argument for your Argument Essay. You will now write an argument essay that answers one of these questions. The essay should answer ONE of these questions: 1. Should free speech be regulated on social media? 2. […]

What messages do you think the media are delivering to the public about drug use? Bear in mind that media can include television, print media (ex. magazines, newspapers, books), radio, music and social media.

Questions: 1) What are your feelings about illegal drug use? Do you think there is such a thing as “responsible” use of illegal drugs? If so, explain. 2) Have you ever used an illegal drug (s)? If you have, describe how and why you have used the drug(s). If you have never used an illegal […]

How did your responses go-Did you notice any differences among groups or countries-What stereotypes did people comment on?

Week 3 During this module, you were to do an experiment using your own social media (Module 03 Activity). Looking back at your social media experiment from the week, how did your responses go? Did you notice any differences among groups or countries? What stereotypes did people comment on? Write at least 3 pages answering […]

How might your feelings toward the technology be affected if you are the CIO or an executive manager at a small company that depends on this type of advertising to generate revenue

Respond to the following: You may have noticed that when you look at products on a search engine, that same product appears as an advertisement in your social media and other sites you visit. Many search engines provide advertisers with tools for evaluating the impact of different keywords or phrases. These tools typically “track” user […]

What, exactly, is okay to post on social media about work, and what will get you fired?

Employee Rights and Responsibilities The day she started her new job at a daycare center, Kaitlin Wells posted on social media, “just really hate being around kids all day.” Twenty-seven hours later, she was unemployed again. Laws protect an employee from being fired for voicing their political beliefs, assembling with other employees to protest or […]