Discuss how the 1937 Nanjing Massacre (or, the Rape of Nanjing) led to the establishment of the system of Comfort Stations.

Discuss how the 1937 Nanjing Massacre (or, the Rape of Nanjing) led to the establishment of the system of “Comfort Stations.” What were the problems that the Japanese government and military leaders found in Japanese soldiers’ randomly raping local Chinese women or using the services provided by Chinese prostitutes? How did the use of the […]

What are some of the benefits and limitations to using interview as a research methodology?

Write a 1500-word paper using APA standards that focuses on the following: Interview two different individuals regarding their positions in society. Analyze their responses regarding: Identify each person’s class, race, and gender, supporting your work with the text and/or outside resources. What role has class, race, and gender played in their lives? How do you […]

Discuss the possible positive OR negative effects of online communities.

What are online communities? Why do people join them? Do they enhance our “real world” lives or separate us from the real world? Essay Prompt: No doubt, people become active members of online communities because they offer people something that is not as easily accessible in their real lives. As we’ve seen, this can be […]

Which electoral outcome did the Canada338 model MOST accurately predict: the Ontario 2018 election, the Quebec 2018 election, or the Alberta 2019 election? Explain your choice using exact statistics drawn from the website.

Lab #6: Polls Step 1: Consult the website https://blog.338canada.com/2018/11/welcome-to-338canada.html#metho Step: 2: Answer the following questions in this document. Write one short paragraph (minimum 100 words) for each answer. Of the demographic data used in the Canada338 model (languages, age density curves, household income, etc.), which factor do you think is most useful in determining voting […]

How does Vera Cruz come to understand the American Dream through nature? How does Vera Cruz describe the influence of U.S. colonialism in his life and his relationship to the environment, both in the Philippines and in the U.S. How does this relate to his journalistic/fact-based style of writing?

Week 4 Critical Response: Philip Vera Cruz Find evidence from the text in the form of quotes and summaries and key words to explain your analysis and evaluation of the text. Explain how your two questions are related. 4.How does Vera Cruz come to understand the American Dream through nature? How does Vera Cruz describe […]

How do we view race and class within the context of natural disasters?;How are Arab Americans seen in popular culture?

Essay Prompt: “It is not a matter of ‘seeing is believing’ but rather, the racialized assumptions the dominant society teaches the oppressed shape how and what they see” (Pyke 2013: 270). And we should also consider how those who are located within the dominate frames of discourse are also ‘taught’ how and what to see […]