How can the field of social work continue to grow in order to be a thriving profession?

Social work What is social work to you? Why did you choose social work as a profession? What area are do you wish to practice in and why? What are the strengths and weakness you bring to the field of social work? What is your definition of social work/practice? How can the field of social […]

Describe your understanding of the social work profession. How have you incorporated the values of service and social justice (held by the profession) in your human service experiences and interactions with others?

Topic 1: Describe your understanding of the social work profession. How have you incorporated the values of service and social justice (held by the profession) in your human service experiences and interactions with others? Topic 2: Discuss your career interests and goals. In what population or area of social work practice are you interested? How […]

Why did you choose Social Work?What do you want to do after you graduate?Discuss

Description Please take a moment to get to know your classmates. This will be your first graded assignment. You will receive 5 points for completing your biography. Please Introduce yourself to the class: 1. Name 2. Why did you choose Social Work? (Don’t self-disclose!!!) 3. What do you want to do after you graduate? 4. […]

Briefly describe a social work practice problem and why it is important to address within the context of social work practice.

An Annotated Outline Title Page The recommended title length is 12 words to include the topic, the variables and relationship between them, and the most critical keywords. Double-space the title if over one line of type and center it under the word Premise. See template below. Include your name, your program of study (and specialization […]

Explain the application of different forms of evidence in best practice.Identify the range of sources of evidence that inform social work practice.

A1: Identify the range of sources of evidence that inform social work practice. C1: Explain the application of different forms of evidence in best practice D1: Reflect on how evidence can inform the learner’s own professional development and practice

Identify the range of sources of evidence that inform social work practice.Explain the application of different forms of evidence in best practice.

A1: Identify the range of sources of evidence that inform social work practice. C1: Explain the application of different forms of evidence in best practice D1: Reflect on how evidence can inform the learner’s own professional development and practice

Identify the political and social context of current social work practice and explain the different constructions of, and response to, a range of contemporary social problems.

1. You will be able to identify the political and social context of current social work practice and explain the different constructions of, and response to, a range of contemporary social problems. 2. You will be able to apply your acquired knowledge to identify the nature and impact of social inequalities, disadvantage, unfairness, oppression and […]

What makes Critical Social Work Critical?What do social workers do?Discuss

Description First page: Make specific reference to: Chap. 34: Older People, Chap. 32: Child and Family Social Work, Chap. 39: Family Support Services, and Chap. 45: International Social Work, Respond to the questions “what is social work?” “What do social workers do, “where do they do it, and “how do they do it?” Pages 2-3: […]