Describe the impact that each socializing force has had on your personality, beliefs, or behavior. How has the socializing force influenced who you are, what you believe, and how you act?

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that discusses the two most significant socializing forces in your life. For example, you may want to discuss how educational institutions have affected your worldview, or how role expectations have influenced your perception of who you should be. In your analysis, complete the following: • Define and explain each […]

How are we socializing the next generation of children? Look around your environment and discuss whether we are over socializing our children to be violent people? How are we taught to solve our problems? How do our heroes solve their problems?

Discussion #3: Are we socializing our kids to be violent? Why or Why not? Due Sept 17th – zoom discussion No unread replies.No replies. How are we socializing the next generation of children? Look around your environment and discuss whether we are over socializing our children to be violent people? How are we taught to […]