Discuss Maya’s thoughts about her grandmother’s religious beliefs-Why is the church so important to Momma?

Know Why the Cage Bird Sings Moral Development, Values, and Religion: Discuss Maya’s thoughts about her grandmother’s religious beliefs. Why is the church so important to Momma? Throughout the book, Maya struggles with feelings that she is “bad” and “sinful,” as her thoughts echo the admonitions of her strict religious upbringing. What does she learn […]

Describe the drivers and effect of colonization within the region and each of the countries. (1 slide) with speaker notes

The Origin and Impact of Globalization In a PowerPoint presentation, conduct and apply your research to answer the following questions. 1) Describe the drivers and effect of colonization within the region and each of the countries. (1 slide) with speaker notes 2) Discuss how the three aspects of globalization (economic, political, and sociocultural dimensions) influenced […]

what is one thing that can we do to be more inclusive of all genders?

Discussion 6 Gender Dimensions The Gender Dimensions lecture provides an example of the social construction of gender on Food Network. Share another example of how gender is portrayed in the media. We also discussed how neither sex nor gender is binary, yet socialization into gender roles can start even before birth. Regarding the sociocultural dimension […]

Discuss ways that cultural, language and environmental differences of a student might put a student at risk for being labelled as a student with a disability-What are three things that you as a teacher could prevent this from happening.

Responding to different scenarios Answer each of the four questions below: Word count for each question is indicated below. This includes all text. It excludes the Reference List. 1. In a classroom with 20 students, you have 3 students with significant focus and impulsivity challenges, one who is diagnosed with high functioning Autism, and another […]

Compare and contrast the theories associated with each of these categories and identify whether or not the theoretical foundations are applicable to all three types of victims. Provide hypothetical examplfktes to help illustrate your position.

Because most perpetrators are caretakers, the explanations and abuser characteristics for cases involving the maltreatment of children, the elderly, and special needs individuals typically fall into three common categories: (1) sociocultural explanations, (2) social learning, and (3) intra-individual theories. Compare and contrast the theories associated with each of these categories and identify whether or not […]

Describe How would you identify his or her interests, abilities, and strengths? What career assessments and/or computer-assisted programs might be of use?

This is for a career counseling course. In 5–8 pages, use the Hill and O’Brien (1999) Helping Skills Model (I have attached the file) to describe the strategies/interventions that you would use to support a client’s/student’s life work plan. The Helping Skills Model is outlined in the case study, Darren: The Case of the Unemployed […]

Discuss developmental change that has occurred over a relatively short period of time or over a relatively long period of time.

Reading reflection & Development Analysis on Sociocultural & Systems. The reading reflection(1 page) should include the following two components: A summary of the five “big ideas” from the readings (i.e., if you were to summarize the most important points to a friend or colleague, how would you distill the readings?). Effort should be made to […]

Describe at least one theoretical orientation you would use to conceptualize your view of the patient’s problem and how it may have developed. Identify the issues you might focus on in treatment with this patient.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read Chapters 8, 12, and 13 in DSM 5 Made Easy: The Clinician’s Guide to Diagnosis; Chapter 2 in Turning Points in Dynamic Psychotherapy: Initial Assessment, Boundaries, Money, Disruptions and Suicidal Crises; Chapter 5 in The Psychiatric Interview: Evaluation and Diagnosis; all required articles; and review the […]

Compare and contrast s Piaget’s theory of cognitive development with Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory. Your paper should include the major facets of each theory, the strengths and limitations of each, and relevant current research from the past three years pertaining to each theory.

Paper details: The final project for this course is the creation of an individual research paper that compares and contrasts Piaget’s theory of cognitive development with Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory. Your paper should include the major facets of each theory, the strengths and limitations of each, and relevant current research from the past three years pertaining […]

Describe how the field of cyberpsychology specifically relates to the allied fields of human–computer interaction, human factors, usability, user-interface design, and ergonomics.

Describe the key advances in technology and the application of new technologies since 2011. Explain the underlying psychological theories and models associated with cyberpsychology. Describe how the field of cyberpsychology specifically relates to the allied fields of human–computer interaction, human factors, usability, user-interface design, and ergonomics. Explain how a theory in cyberpsychology influences a specific […]