Discuss how one of the sociological perspectives  applies to the issue.

Health Issues and Society Essay For this assignment, you will write a two-page essay discussing a social problem connected to health or health care. Examples of paper topics are as follows: unequal access to health care, universal health care, work-life balance, smoking, substance abuse, obesity, COVID-19, mental health, veteran’s health care, affordability of health care, […]

Who/what has shaped your life chances the most?

ASSIGNMENT 2: Thinking with a sociological perspective, thinking of yourself as a social being and your behavioral patterns in a social context Who/what has shaped your life chances the most? Why/how? In 3-4 paragraphs, briefly explain what top 3 people, places, things and/or social institutions that have shaped you. Consider the information provided in 2.2, […]

Which sociological perspectives are used in the presentation?

Using the video below, write a well-developed summary report. Minimum 2 pages… but minimum limits your writing so feel free to write more but no more than 5. 🙂 Be sure to include answers to the following questions: 1) Name of presenter and topic, 2) What are the main points brought up by the speaker?, […]

Write 100 word explanation of how one or more sociological theories work within corporate culture.

It is questions to answer. 1. 100 – 125 word explanation of how sociology, society, and culture are inter related. 2. 75 – 80 word explanation of sociological imagination and how it influences a person’s decisions. 3. 60 word description of symbolic interaction idk and how it is used by sociologists. 4. 60 word description […]

Which theory do you most closely agree as it relates to aging adults?

Theories of Aging Part 1 Create a chart to examine the different aging theories in which you: Identify six theories of aging: 2 biological or physiological 2 sociological 2 psychological or behavioral theories Explain each theory in 50 words and describe their major components. Part 2 Write 175- to 350-word responses to the following questions: […]

Demonstrate understanding of major sociological perspectives of the family.

Family Sociology Demonstrate understanding of major sociological perspectives of the family. Must include explanation of the changes in family structure in terms of changing patterns or marriage, divorce, separation and raising children. Compare and contrast Functionalist, Feminist and Marxist views of the family.

What does it mean to take a sociological perspective of families-Why is defining family important?

Question 1 Answer the following question, based on lectures as well as readings. 1) What does it mean to take a sociological perspective of families? Why is defining family important? 2)What is the difference between the public family vs the private family, and how has this changed throughout US history? In your answer, include four […]

What do sociologists or other experts believe may be potential solutions to this problem?

Crime What sociological causes and explanations have been linked to this problem? Keep in mind the various theoretical perspectives. -What social factors (structural, cultural, interactional,political , etc.) contribute to the existence of the problem? -What do sociologists or other experts believe may be potential solutions to this problem?  

Do you agree that ‘carnism’ (Melanie Joy) is normalised in our society? Explain your reasoning.

Humans, Animals and Society Do you agree that ‘carnism’ (Melanie Joy) is normalised in our society? Explain your reasoning. Note: Whichever topic you choose your answer must be sociological. Try to keep description (e.g. of what happens to animals in specific settings) to a minimum and weight your answer towards analysis. Make sure you use […]

How would Mills’ concept help you identify-clarify your topic as an important social phenomenon?

Discovering the sociological perspective Context: From the list below choose a topic that interests you and which you would like to know more about. Each topic is intentionally broad and reflects several, more focused, social issues that have been in the news during recent months. For example, issues involving voting rights or housing or poverty […]