What are some recommendations (structural changes) you can give to help alleviate the social issue you identified from the film?

Extra Credit Pass or Fail in Cambodia Town Purpose: This assignment is designed for students analyze aspects of the institution of education and to apply information from previous course material: sociological imagination. Task: Students will need to view the following film (click on title): Pass or Fail in Cambodia Town  If you are not able […]

Identify the subfield of sociology represented each article and describe the empirical findings.

A. Compare and contrast structural functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism. 150-200 words and be backed up by at least one academically credible reference from peer-reviewed journal articles. B. Select one social institution (religion, education, government, etc). Find 3 peer-reviewed journal articles (different journals) that address issues faced by the social institution you selected. a. […]

What social group is the ad intended for-What social groups are represented in the advertisement?

5.3 Assignment: Deconstructing the world around us Select any advertisement and use your sociological imagination to analyze it; apply concepts from the chapters you have read so far. In your response, you should address the following questions: 1.What social group is the ad intended for? What social groups are represented in the advertisement? 2. Does […]

Describe which sociological perspective(s) “fits” with your social issue and explain why.

TED talk: Bullying Describe the title of your TED Talk and who you would like to see in your audience. Then address the following: Understanding the Social Issue Describe your chosen social issue from Week 1 and explain why it is important to address. Using your sociological imagination, explain what your chosen social issue “looks […]

What is individualism? Define it from a sociological perspective, explain its relationship with American culture, and provide one example of it.

Sociology Each question can be answered in 200-300 words. 1. Using your sociological imagination, explain how the pandemic has impacted your life and American society at large. 2. What is individualism? Define it from a sociological perspective, explain its relationship with American culture, and provide one example of it.