Explore one of the sociological concepts discussed this semester.Analyze the concept and its impact on our society and should include a minimum of 3 academic references.

Term Paper: Students are required to submit a 5-page paper (not including cover page or references) which further explores one of the sociological concepts discussed this semester. The paper should offer a deeper analysis of the concept and its impact on our society and should include a minimum of 3 academic references.

Explain Why are the student success and graduation rates different?

Student success and high school graduation rates are a national concern. Why are the student success and graduation rates different? Step 1: To begin this assignment, research the high school you attended and find out what the demographics of the community are (average household income, average property value, race/ethnicity, median property taxes, and the most […]

Three Sociological Perspectives-How do they view society including purpose and governance? Do they feel society provides equality for all?

Three Sociological Perspectives – Introduction and evaluation of 3 sociological perspectives. How do they view society including purpose and governance? Do they feel society provides equality for all?The learner should critically evaluate at least three major Sociological perspectives. Theoretical perspectives may include, but are not limited to: Functionalism, Marxism, Interactionism, and Feminism. The learner is […]

Where did your predecessors come from? Why did they immigrate? Where did they settle in the U.S.? What kinds of work did they do? What was their economic status? Did they face difficulties due to race, ethnicity, religion or language? What were gender norms and relations like in each generation? Who fit in, who didn’t fit in, and why?

Here are some questions to get you started thinking about the paper. However, do not write your paper as a series of answers to these prompts. Think about these ideas and what you can use from this class to analyze what happened. Where did your predecessors come from? Why did they immigrate? Where did they […]

Discuss how the author(s) interpreted the findings

This is a literature review. This assignment will provide practice in critically reading peer reviewed articles in sociological journals. Students will be required to select two journal articles from the list below. Please select one article from the quantitative list and the other from the qualitative list. Students will summarize the articles, identifying the data […]

Summarize Who is the speaker? What are her main points? What sociological concepts did she discuss? Why is a single story dangerous? What is the antidote of the danger of the single story? Use these questions to guide you as you write your essay

Open the TED Talk link, The Danger of a Single Story. Listen to the talk and write a summary of it. Who is the speaker? What are her main points? What sociological concepts did she discuss? Why is a single story dangerous? What is the antidote of the danger of the single story? Use these […]

Compare the three main Sociological Perspectives (Structural Functionalist, Social Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionist) as well as researching one the main theorists (Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Karl Marx, and Talcott Parsons).

For this assignment you will need to compare the three main Sociological Perspectives (Structural Functionalist, Social Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionist) as well as researching one the main theorists (Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Karl Marx, and Talcott Parsons). The first portion of your essay should focus on one of the theorists listed above or you may choose another […]