Explain specifically and explicitly TWO ways in which your selected source article or popular culture object attempt to make cultural meaning of our shared world and society?

Paragraph 5: Now for the Fun! You as Culture Critic In 1-2 sentences, briefly restate how and why your two selected theories/concepts/key terms are analytically relevant (correct and appropriate) to sociologically analyze your source article regarding your popular culture object. Choose ONE of the following prompts. Explicitly and thoroughly answer ALL parts of the prompt […]

What do the overall results (of the various models) tell us about how school gardens affect student academic achievement?

After reading the article carefully and taking notes, answer the following three questions in your initial response 1. What do the overall results (of the various models) tell us about how school gardens affect student academic achievement? 2. Looking specifically at the regression analyses that involve step-wise regression (same DV but different combinations of IVs […]

Briefly explain where you think that theory misses the point or goes wrong in how it explains the social world.

LU 1 writing assignment 1. Select one of the three classic theories – function, conflict or symbolic interactionism. Use that theory to explain sports as a fact of social life in the United States. Remember you are to think sociologically. 2. Each of the theories has flaws. Choose one of the theories and briefly explain […]