Socrates argues that knowledge is more valuable than mere true belief because knowledge is more stable

Socrates argues that knowledge is more valuable than mere true belief because knowledge is more stable. Explain his argument. Why does Socrates think that knowledge is more stable? Then raise an objection to Socrates’ argument. How would Socrates respond to that objection? Should we accept Socrates’ response against the objection? Why or why not? Include […]

What do you think about this independence this call for becoming self-reliant, and self-dependent when it comes to knowledge, truth and, finally, morality itself?

What is “ethics” really about? COLLAPSE Let us recall that in the Euthyphro, Socrates asks for an “account” of why something is holy, pious, or moral. He does not, and cannot accept, an explanation in terms of just “whatever the gods love”, or whatever God tells you to do. For, if at the end of […]

What must you include in a literature review-How do you find the information for a literature review?

Understanding the literature review is the foundation of academic inquiry (Xiao and Watson, 2017). The literature review grounds your topic of interest with academic historical research from previous authors. This is where the saying of ‘Stand on the shoulders of giants’ comes into your research. Standing on the shoulders of giants could be as far […]

Does Socrates accept the fairness of the laws under which he was tried-convicted-Would Socrates have been wrong to escape?

Goal: A deeper understanding of the chosen topic. Course Objective(s): CO1: Identify historical beginnings of philosophy and contemporary positions concerning the nature of knowledge and reality CO3: Distinguish the basic concepts of moral and political philosophy CO4: Evaluate arguments for and against the existence of God CO5: Evaluate various approaches to the mind-body problem Task: […]

What is the likelihood that the rule of a Philosopher King would succeed and endure in the real world, according to Socrates? Why?

Discuss Plato’s understanding of philosophy and of its relationship with politics, as described in The Republic. How does the Allegory of the Cave demonstrate the essence of the philosophical experience? Why, according to Socrates, is the philosopher particularly qualified to rule over others? Would the Philosopher King be likely to make authoritarian/harsh laws or edicts […]

Do you think Socrates demonstrated a biblical way of thinking to some degree? Why or why not?

Session 1 Paper The paper should answer these questions: 1. What do you see as the ultimate goal of philosophy? Do you think that this goal is in line with biblical goals? Who or why not? Use scripture to defend your point. 2. Do you think Socrates demonstrated a biblical way of thinking to some […]

Define FAMILY.Write like a dialogue between you and Socrates talking about the definition.

The concept you need to define is FAMILY. You have to give a sensible definition not a cliche. It has to be written like a dialogue between you and Socrates talking about the definition. Take into consideration how your definition applies to medical proxies, to last wills and testaments, to adoption possibilities, to legal guardianship, […]

Explain how the two views of Socrates, the one depicted in the play The Clouds by Aristophanes and the one from The Apology by Plato differ in belief system. Cite specific differences using direct quotes from the text

Explain how the two views of Socrates, the one depicted in the play The Clouds by Aristophanes and the one from The Apology by Plato differ in belief system. Cite specific differences using direct quotes from the text

Explore how Sartre, de Beauvoir and Camus respond to the question that suicide poses to the living.

For this assignment, explore how Sartre, de Beauvoir and Camus respond to the question that suicide poses to the living. What, for example, is at stake and what is implied in the desire for self-annihilation. Do they share Socrates’ belief that suicide is never legitimate? How is the problem of suicide related to the ideas […]