What are some possible communication strategies in notifying someone about the problem?

Think of an example of a problem with communication in your workplace or your community. Then answer the following five questions with regard to that problem. Post your answers to this discussion topic. What is the specific problem with communication? Does the problem represent an example of one of the barriers that the articles that […]

Describe the role of management information systems in supporting a company’s business functions.

Define information and information technology and provide examples of each. (75 words, or 1 paragraph) Describe the role of management information systems in supporting a company’s business functions. (150 words, or 2 paragraphs) Select two types of information systems a company might need and explain why those systems are important. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs) […]

What roles and careers within the IT field are related to these disciplines-What tools and technologies are most applicable to these disciplines?

Directions IT Disciplines: To begin your report on careers within the information technology field, define the distinction between computer science, information systems, engineering, and information technology. In your description, first define each discipline and then describe how that discipline is related to others within IT. In your definition, address the following: What roles and careers […]

What strategies do project managers use to assess, monitor, and communicate project risks to stakeholders?

Project Management The Help desk ticketing software project you are managing is on target to complete on time, on scope, and within budget (known as the triple constraints). This morning, the IT director came to you requesting additional functionality in the software that was not a part of the original scope. You know that accepting […]

Identify at least 5 major areas of security risk for the network-For each security risk area, develop and document a plan to reduce the security risk.

Network Security Unauthorized access to networks and the information they contain can present significant problems to an organization. Part of a good network improvement includes a review of system security and identification of potential problem areas. For this assignment, you will develop a security plan for the network improvement initiative. Security Plan Conduct a review […]

What are the industries these companies belong to?-What is the technology they will be deploying (type of software, robots, automation, etc.)

  Discuss the future impact that automation and technology will have on business and the workforce in the next decade, i.e. disruption Ideas to address: 1. Background on Current State of Automation/Trends 2. List several major companies that are heavily investing in technology to automate and ultimately replace human workers ∙ Think about this as […]

Discuss how ethical dilemmas in software development can impact the development-implementation of new technologies.

“Slides is attached” During this module, you explored the topic of ethical considerations in secure coding. Discuss how ethical dilemmas in software development can impact the development and implementation of new technologies. Specifically form your discussion around the following case study: “In the case of autonomous vehicles, how should a program work in the face […]

What do reviewers/users have to say about their experience with each platform?

Event Software Review Then, write a concise explanation of each of the three-event software platform, along with product reviews for each. 1) What kinds of events is the software best suited to for in practice? What do you think are the most compelling features? Are there any negatives or questions that you are left with […]