What role might holidays and festivals play in creating social solidarity and/or social conflict in society?

Culture and Society People celebrate many holidays and festivals that are imbued with meaning. For your main post this week, include the following two parts: Part 1. Choose a festival or holiday with which you are familiar. Based on your study of the Week 3 learning resources (UMGC, n.d.), explain some key aspects of the […]

Do you think that we in fact have duties of solidarity to our political community even though we (or most people any way) were not given a choice to be here? If so, why? If not, why not?

Solidarity Duties of solidarity are duties that individuals have toward the community, what Wadell calls “social justice.” These would be duties to pay taxes to fund programs to help the poor or to support laws that help reduce the impact of luck (the natural lottery) in enabling people to live good lives. Here is the […]