What is the relationship between the movements/songs? Are they similar or different in tempo, dynamics, texture, tonality, meter, range of intensity?Discuss

Sound, Harmony, Melody, Rhythm, & Growth (SHMRG)When listening to a piece for analysis, here are some handy things to listen for and questions to ask yourself about the music. Use this as your guide for analyses. Although these terms may not make sense to you at the moment, revisit this list as we cover topics […]

Discuss complete album/all songs. Specifically, mention African instruments (Kora, balafon, koni, atumpan etc.) if applicable to a song within the album.

Album review should have a thesis and include information about the album’s use of African “talking drums/drum speech” somewhere in paper. Use musical terms (see “music paper details” document). Discuss complete album/all songs. Specifically, mention African instruments (Kora, balafon, koni, atumpan etc.) if applicable to a song within the album. Include unique African musical terms […]

What do you notice about similarities and differences among the various lyrics from the two different songs?

What kind of imagery is conveyed in the lyrics? What attitudes and behaviors are expressed in the lyrics? What do you notice about similarities and differences among the various lyrics from the two different songs? This question is optional. Are there any other observations you made about the two songs lyrics that relate to any […]

Try to select (5) of the songs to analyze much in the way we did our lyric analysis. Note the rhyme types, type of composition, quote and point to notable lyrics, and discuss the rhyming patterns.

1) Try to select (5) of the songs to analyze much in the way we did our lyric analysis. Note the rhyme types, type of composition, quote and point to notable lyrics, and discuss the rhyming patterns. 2) After listening to the mixtape as a whole, analyze the rhetorical messages embedded throughout the entire collection […]

Describe the subject matter. What is it all about? Are there recognizable images or sounds?

Describe the event without using value words such as “beautiful” or “ugly.”: Describe the elements of the work(s) (i.e., line movement, light, space). This is a chance to use your vocabulary, if applicable. How do the elements of the work combine together? Describe the technical qualities of the work(s) (i.e., tools, materials, instruments). Describe the […]

Paper details: HI I NEED A PAPER. 1. Watch the following music videos: “Thriller” by Michael Jackson; “Like a Prayer” by Madonna; “Jeremy” by Pearl Jam; “Terrible Lie” by Nine Inch Nails Who is the “villain” or “enemy” depicted in each song? What do these songs communicate about society at the time they were popular? THANKS!

1. Watch the following music videos: “Thriller” by Michael Jackson; “Like a Prayer” by Madonna; “Jeremy” by Pearl Jam; “Terrible Lie” by Nine Inch Nails Who is the “villain” or “enemy” depicted in each song? What do these songs communicate about society at the time they were popular? THANKS!

Quality of the Production; observations, describe what you saw, how did the speaker, speakers, singers, etc, address the viewing audience (if at all if not whats your thoughts}

Watch a Church Services (video provided) 1. Into paragraph about the experience 1/2 page 2. Quality of the Production; observations, describe what you saw, how did the speaker, speakers, singers, etc, address the viewing audience (if at all if not whats your thoughts} 3. Background information about the Church, their mission vision, values, creed, etc […]