How do you handle taxes and the inevitable outreached hands that reach toward you once it becomes clear you have won?

Read the “What Makes People Happy” passage set. What Makes People Happy Source 1: Get That Paper: What Lottery Winnings Do to Your Life By National Public Radio 1 The combined Mega Millions and Powerball winnings have topped $2 billion. Tickets are reportedly selling at a rate of up to hundreds per minute in the […]

Identify the three myths the author presents in the article. Be sure to support each example with evidence from the text.

Sonja Lyubomirsky, “How Happy Are You and Why?” pp. 179-196 from Pursuing Happiness: A Bedford Spotlight Reader. Use your text during the quiz to find supporting details. Take quotes from pp. 179-196, paying special attention to pp. 185-186) Lyubomirsky discusses and responds to some “myths” regarding happiness. Identify the three myths the author presents in […]