Analyze a primary source of your choosing.

You will be required to complete a research paper using the course readings to analyze a primary source of your choosing. This primary source can be an archival document, an historical object, an oral history transcript or recording, a song, film (or other video recording), or a work of visual art, poetry, or literature. The […]

Determine which story you’d like to research, the Annotated Bibliography will help you determine which sources will be most useful to you and ensure that the sources you select are credible and relevant.

“Where are you going, Where have you been?” By Joyce Carol Oates. The first step to writing a research paper is learning about what scholars have written on your subject. After you determine which story you’d like to research, the Annotated Bibliography will help you determine which sources will be most useful to you and […]

Explain What is the source about? What information does it provide?

_Now that your group has selected your Emerging Technology Topic and located 6 to 7 credible,(published between year 2014 to 2020), use Word to create an annotated bibliography that summarizes each source. An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 […]

Using the six questions for examining a source’s reliability, discuss what sources you would use to decide on what to do about furthering your education.

Using the six questions for examining a source’s reliability, discuss what sources you would use to decide on what to do about furthering your education. In no less than five paragraphs, compile a list of at least five reliable resources and give your explanation about why or how you know they are reliable.

Discuss What do YOU think makes a source “reliable?” What do you look for when deciding?

Paper details: Prompt: Sometimes, determining the reliability of a source is easy. Below is a real person’s reaction to the safety message about Pokemon Go. Its on a website called “Literally Unbelievable.” “Safety FTW: The Pokemon in Pokemon Go Will Now Scream When A Player is Within A Mile Of A Registered Sex Offender.” See […]

Explain how you can tell whether the article is from a scholarly or a non-scholarly source. Explain why it is important to use peer-reviewed sources in your scholarly writing. Be sure to provide the URL for each so they can be located readily.

How do you know if a source is scholarly? Here are a few questions to consider: Would this author have a reason for bias? Is this source old, or is it up to date (i.e., published within the past 5 years)? Is the source peer reviewed? (Do other researchers regard it as trustworthy; did they […]