Describe 4-5 of these advantages and show how they led to Union victory.

North Advantages in the Civil War Write a one to two sentence topic statement and below it and in the same document write an outline for your final exam paper. In 1860 the North had specific advantages over the South that helped the Union prepare for the war. Describe 4-5 of these advantages and show […]

Was this system simply another version of slavery? Why or why not.

1. Were the Black Codes another form of slavery? 2. Based on Okten’s statements, discuss how the sharecropping/crop lien system created a vicious cycle. Was this system simply another version of slavery? Why or why not. 3. Consider the following statement: “The persistence of racism in both the North and the South lay at the […]

How did each define the War and why did each want to avoid the idea that the War was about slavery?

Slavery Assignment Answer all questions thoroughly, and provide links for sources. When the Civil War broke out, both the North and South argued that the War was not about slavery. How did each define the War and why did each want to avoid the idea that the War was about slavery? In what ways did […]

In what ways did Radical reconstruction change the South?

How Radical Reconstruction changed the South. The term paper is an assignment designed to assess students on critical thinking, communication, personal responsibility, and social responsibility. The purpose of this assignment is to advance your ability to reason through a specific historical question and to communicate through written text your ideas. Thus: Your paper should critically […]

How were reform movements in the North tied to the changes brought about by Market Capitalism?

1. Read Civil Disobedience. Try to understand in the context of the late 1840’s into the 1850’s. Henry David Thoreau published this in 1849 (partly in response to Polk’s actions in starting the Mexican War), but it became more widely quoted in the 1850’s in the wake of the Compromise Bill to which many people […]

Describe 4-5 of these advantages and show how they led to Union victory.

Summary: Write a one to two sentence thesis statement and below it and in the same document write an outline for your final exam paper based off the topic you chose during Week 2. Resources on how to write a topic statement and outline can be found in the Week 2 Online Learning Resources area. […]

Describe what freedom meant to the Indians and how that conflicted with the interests and values of most white Americans.

Chapter 15 and 16 History Forum Chapter 15 Watch the video Slavery By Another Name in the Media and Videos File on your Menu, read the “Sharecropping Contract,” and/or explore the documentary’s website ( )Then answer 4 of the following questions, at least one from each section. 1. In what forms has forced labor been […]

How did the institution of slavery change after the American Revolution-Describe both the lives of slaves and the ways that slaves resisted slavery.

2 pages for each question. Essay Question 1: Explain the impact of the market economy on nineteenth-century America. Essay Question 2: How did the institution of slavery change after the American Revolution? Describe both the lives of slaves and the ways that slaves resisted slavery. Essay Question 3: Which of the following issues do you […]