Analyze and explain how you will coach the manager so she can more effectively delegate, motivate, and provide support to the new team she ultimately creates

Scenario (fictional): Angel is a new manager at International Workplace Designs (IWD), a virtually networked company. She is tasked with creating a virtual project team that will adapt an existing workstation for South American clients. IWD has been in business for 20 years and has many long-time employees who have worked in this hybrid company. […]

Explain the expertise and value of that speciality for exploring and resolving the issue, problem, or conflict within a cultural group (example: childhood obesity and diabetes in Hispanic children).

Objective: You will become familiar with anthropology’s holistic perspective in problem solving, and how an anthropologist can advocate for social change and contribute to the resolution of human issues through recommendations for change and the creation of policy. Points possible: 25 Steps: Watch Video Applied Anthropology Choose a speciality within Applied Anthropology. Such as: Urban […]