How would you help the students learn to articulate the sounds he is having trouble with?

Discussion Post 300 words 3 sources Finally, after reading the chapters, the information in the websites, first discuss (1) the importance of developing phonological knowledge for literacy instruction and (2) the importance of developing phonological awareness in teaching pronunciation and spelling and (3) post a response to the following situation: You hear a conversation between […]

What is your favorite dish-When do you like to eat it?

Mi plato favorito (Spanish) Describe your favorite dish. What is your favorite dish? When do you like to eat it? Why is your favorite dish. Prepare a description of around 75-100 words. They respond to at least 2 classmates about their answers. The discussion must be written in Spanish. Can you write classmate responses? Thank […]

Describe details of Luis’s family and what you learned about their lives.

THE STORY OF LUIS – SUMMARIZATION In this lesson, you will summarize the story you read. Using your knowledge of Spanish, you will describe details of Luis’s family and what you learned about their lives.In six sentences, in Spanish, summarize what Luis has shared about his family. Your sentences will be short and simple. You […]

How did the Columbian Exchange transform the Americas on the one hand and Europe on the other?

We studied the arrival of the Europeans and their presence in the Americas. The Spanish, the French and the English will all have part in the establishment of the United States. With the Europeans’ arrival we will also see a clash of cultures between the Old and New World. How did the Columbian Exchange transform […]

What potential communication challenges does the client in the scenario demonstrate? 

Topic: Fundamentals Of Nursing I Review the following scenario and answer the questions. The nurse is assigned to provide care for an elderly man who wears cochlear implants and speaks Spanish as his primary language, although he considers himself able to speak English “well.” The nurse is fluent in Spanish and English. During the client […]

What is the most compelling issue, event or personality? be specific use keywords “compelling issue” make it clear where you are answering the second part of the question by use keywords ” revealing about American society”

Video Response Watch the 2 videos 1. “The Spanish-American War”ht ..2. “African-American Soldiers in World War 1” question 1 What were the main themes ? include how the video conveyed the main theme. Present the keyword “main themes” “main arguments” question 2 use key word ” most compelling issue, event or personality” (be specific) What […]

How did the ways they approached colonization and profit in the Americas affect the ways they interacted with native peoples and what were the results?

The spanish, french and english empires: the comparison Compare Spanish, French, and English colonization efforts from 1492-1700. How did their motivations and ambitions differ? What made them similar? how did the ways they approached colonization and profit in the Americas affect the ways they interacted with native peoples and what were the results? be sure […]

What data on the workers lives and health might Nurse Steven want to collect to use in social and political advocacy for this population?

Migrant Worker Case Study Bogg County is a rural area whose residents rely on farming for income. The most popular crop in Bogg County is tobacco, a very labor-intensive plant. To save money, many farmers employ Hispanic migrant farm workers who come to the county looking for work. Migrant farm workers are cheaper to employ […]