What were the primary reasons for their defeat? Do you think that their defeats were inevitable?

Both the Aztec and Inca Empires fell in the early sixteenth century when confronted with Spanish forces of a few hundred men. What were the primary reasons for their defeat? Do you think that their defeats were inevitable? Why or why not? use 5 reliable sources and list them at the end of your research […]

Compare and contrast the attitudes towards land and natural resources held by indigenous Californians, the Spanish, the Californios, and the United States.

This Fine Province For thousands of years, the indigenous people of California lived in what we today called the Golden State, developing distinctive communities and cultures. Then, between the years 1769 and 1850, California became a contested space. The Spanish Empire, the Californios, and the United States of America all sought to control California, as […]

Compare spanish, french, and english colonization efforts from 1492-1700.

The spanish, french and english empires: the comparison Compare Spanish, French, and English colonization efforts from 1492-1700. How did their motivations and ambitions differ? What made them similar? how did the ways they approached colonization and profit in the Americas affect the ways they interacted with native peoples and what were the results? be sure […]

What do you believe was the number one reason for the demise of the mission era in Florida?Discuss

. In this assignment you will be answering a question about the Spanish Missions in Florida. Question: By 1705 the Spanish mission era came to an end. There are several factors for the demise of the Spanish missions in the Florida’s. What do you believe was the number one reason for the demise of the […]

Why didn’t the Indigenous people of the Paso del Norte rebel against the Spanish when they arrived? Why did they allow them to establish missions and colonies among them?

Paper details: Why didn’t the Indigenous people of the Paso del Norte rebel against the Spanish when they arrived? Why did they allow them to establish missions and colonies among them? The uploaded file was given to me by my professor that could be helpful to answer the question. You may use any other sources […]

Discuss,De Las Casas wrote this account 50 years after Columbus initially arrived in Hispaniola. Do you think this could have influenced his perceptions of the events? How and why? What happens when someone writes about an event after most of the consequences of an event are already known?

1. According to De Las Casas, why were the Spanish so cruel to the natives? What was the point? 2. According to De Las Casas, did any of the natives ever fight back? If so, why? If not, why not? 3. De Las Casas wrote this account 50 years after Columbus initially arrived in Hispaniola. […]