Describe how versioning, one manifestation of time, is accomplished in geodatabases

Programming Question INSTRUCTIONS Part of the responsibility of a GIS professional is to understand the strengths and weaknesses of various spatial data structures. This week your readings are focused on spatial storage and indexing in spatial database applications. Next week we will add temporal data consideration for spatial databases in Week 10. This discussion intends […]

List what the item/items is/are and then explain how it reflects each of the five themes, a spatial relationship and globalization.

Five Themes of Geography (location, place, movement, regions and human-environment interaction), a spatial relationship and globalization. This learning outcome has introduced you to the Five Themes of Geography, spatial relationships and globalization. For this Milestone Activity, you need to find something in your daily life that reflects each of the Five Themes of Geography (location, […]

What do you think may have been a contributing factor?-How did you realign yourself?

Spatial disorientation experience This is just a short personal experience of spatial disorientation. Maybe like driving, or in the water like at a water park diving into deep waters after slide type thing, anything is fine, just need maybe a paragraph. It is likely that everyone in this class has had spatial disorientation at some […]