What in particular did you learn about the sector the speaker addressed that you found interesting?

Consulting – Public Sector Write a 2-page, single-spaced, 12 Font, summary of the speaker’s lecture/discussion to include, but not limited to the following: -Summarize the key points of the speaker’s presentation/discussion -Cite specific examples the speaker used to describe the sector -What in particular did you learn about the sector the speaker addressed that you […]

Identify the type(s) of service system used in the company-a certain part of the company.

Service System Applications Assignment Content The purpose of this assignment is to align proper service system applications to certain industries. You will also analyze and evaluate a company’s customer service strengths and challenges. Select a company you are familiar with, such as your own employer or a public company that you know you can find […]

How do you know that they are reliable and valid-What work did you do to check that out?

Module 2: Reflection and Critical thinking evidence Reflection: Includes your thoughts What did you think? What was surprising? What was confusing? What questions do you have? What did you learn? Critical Thinking Evidence: Tell me a question or problem you have with the video. Then find some more evidence to help answer your question or […]

Compose a written evaluation of the effectiveness of the speaker’s delivery. Evaluate the leader. Did he or she begin appropriately? Did the leader use an agenda, and did the meeting proceed in an orderly and timely way? Did the leader encourage participation and handle difficult people? Did he or she recognize contributions and maintain high standards? Did the leader end appropriately?

Topic: Written Evaluation Paper details: Part 1 Observe a speech in person, on television, on a video, or on the Internet. Compose a written evaluation of the effectiveness of the speaker’s delivery. Evaluate the leader. Did he or she begin appropriately? Did the leader use an agenda, and did the meeting proceed in an orderly […]

What is the argument being made?Who is the speaker? Is s/he credible in this occasion? (ethos)What is the argument? Is it logical?

Questions You Most Answer • What is the argument being made? (Thesis Statement) • Evaluate one of the rhetorical appeals (Body Paragraph 1): o Who is the speaker? Is s/he credible in this occasion? (ethos) o What is the argument? Is it logical? (logos) o Flow does the text connect with its audience? What emotions […]

Explain.Consider how each speaker influenced your own view of sustainability. Did they challenge it, enrich it, or contradict it? What can you take from the perspective of each speaker?

Respond to Weeks 5-8 of the ESS Lecture Series. There is one important change. We felt that we asked you to write a little too much on the first reflection. Therefore, we’re lowering the word count to 1000 words. Address both the pre-recorded lectures and the Q&A sections from each relevant speaker (Jasveen Brar and […]

Analyze the rhetorical strategies and techniques that the speaker uses to accomplish his or her task in the speech.

Paper details: Study the passage given to you. Then, in a well-developed essay, analyze the rhetorical strategies and techniques that the speaker uses to accomplish his or her task in the speech. Here are a list of things you might consider analyzing in your essay: —Diction & Imagery (and how they impact the passage’s tone) […]

How does the speaker open the speech? What works well in his or her introduction?

After watching a persuasive speech from Julian Treasure “How to speak so that people want to listen” The Most Popular TED Talks of All Time, answer the following: •How does the speaker open the speech? What works well in his or her introduction? •How is the speech organized? Does it flow smoothly? •What are the […]

What suggestions would you offer to this speaker to improve her message, relating to the audience, and his or her delivery?

Click on one of the links below, watch it, and then answer the questions below. Jim Keye -Never too late to dream Darren Tay – Outsmart-Outlast – 1. In two sentences summarize what you remembered from this speech. What were his or her main points? 2. How does the speaker relate to you or not? […]