Do you feel that work within this specialization will bring you satisfaction in addition to success in your career journey?

C and Writing This week you will start to think about the career path within the field of psychology that is a good fit for your skills, goals and interests. It is very important that as you consider your future career that you find a path that will not only bring you success, but also […]

If globalization is so great, why do so many people protest it-Are they right-wrong in their critique?

Global Management Purpose This activity will give you a chance to look at globalization from a different perspective. We discussed the advantages of free trade but now let’s look at the other side of globalization. Instructions: Consider the other side of globalization. We have studied the advantages of free trade and specialization strategies which have […]

What alternatives to transferring to Harvard are you considering?

Admission essay What alternatives to transferring to Harvard are you considering? Indicate your field of specialization and briefly outline your academic plans at Harvard College.(Business) What are your current postgraduate/career plans? (to be a successful businessman) briefly discuss one book that has strongly influenced you.