Is it possible for us to greatly improve energy efficiency and shift to a variety of renewable energy resources before we do even more serious harm to our own life-support system and to many of the world’s other species?

Is it possible for us to greatly improve energy efficiency and shift to a variety of renewable energy resources before we do even more serious harm to our own life-support system and to many of the world’s other species? Is it necessary? How could it be accomplished? Explain.

Describe in two sentences how it could shed light on the distribution and counts of these two species in the New York region.

Post a brief summary of each article using only the Abstract of the articles. Summarize (in your own words!!!) two KEY findings of each study and briefly describe in two sentences how it could shed light on the distribution and counts of these two species in the New York region. Begin each summary with the […]

Summarize Coyne’s argument in 1-2 sentences. Do you side with Prum or Coyne based on the information presented in this RadioLab episode? Why?

“When a female animal is checking out her prospects, natural selection would dictate that she pay attention to how healthy, or strong, or fit he is. But when it comes to finding a mate, some animals seem to be engaged in a very different game. What if a female were looking for something else – […]

Identify the dynamic between the different species of farm animals and their use of power. Explain how the differing levels of intelligence impact the status and role of each animal.

Under tyranny, power is gained through exploitation, manipulation, and coercion. Identify the dynamic between the different species of farm animals and their use of power. Explain how the differing levels of intelligence impact the status and role of each animal.

Discuss how the principles of behavior apply across all organisms (animals and humans alike), and incorporate how learning seen in humans, although more complex, does not differ from learning observed in other species.

Discuss how the principles of behavior apply across all organisms (animals and humans alike), and incorporate how learning seen in humans, although more complex, does not differ from learning observed in other species.

Given the long period of immaturity that the young of the human species have, is attachment necessarily universal? Would it be possible for a child to grow to maturity without forming attachments of some kind?

Paper details: Chapter 5 Discussion Question Given the long period of immaturity that the young of the human species have, is attachment necessarily universal? Would it be possible for a child to grow to maturity without forming attachments of some kind?

Why Protect Endangered Species?How would you determine what a species is worth?Explain.

Topic: Why Protect Endangered Species? Paper details: Overview In this discussion, you will talk about whether ethics dictate how (and which) endangered species should be protected and why, supporting your ideas with at least one ethical theory. The purpose of this discussion is to practice thinking about an environmental issue from a classically philosophical perspective. […]