Read the two articles on the importance of Free Speech. Reflect on both article and identify the parts that were profound or meaningful to you and why.

Read the two articles on the importance of Free Speech. Reflect on both article and identify the parts that were profound or meaningful to you and why. Why Is Freedom Of Speech Important? The Relevance Explained Why Is Freedom Of Speech Important? The Relevance Explained

What are things to remember when you use photos or charts in your speech?Explain

Topic: a. Doing research for a speech is just as important as doing research for an academic paper. If you are not sure how to gather information you will need to support the visual aid for your speech (your PowerPoint presentation), where can you start looking for credible information and/or graphics? b. What are things […]

Drawing from your own experience write a standard speech outline that you will deliver to the college distant learning committee.

Topic: Improve online learning Paper details: You have all experienced taking online courses this semester, and you have been asked to deliver a speech on how online courses can be improved. Drawing from your own experience write a standard speech outline that you will deliver to the college distant learning committee.  

Teddy is a chemist at a government lab who has been invited to give a speech to an environmental activist group. Discuss how Teddy might try to understand his audience and then adapt his message to that audience in a way that changes their perceptions of him and his work.

Description   Teddy is a chemist at a government lab who has been invited to give a speech to an environmental activist group. Discuss how Teddy might try to understand his audience and then adapt his message to that audience in a way that changes their perceptions of him and his work. Megan has never […]

Explain how listening to your speech can help them gain something that matters deeply to them. Explain ways to apply your ideas in daily life.

Explain why your topic matters to them. Relate the topic to something that listeners already know and care about. Define any terms that listeners might not know. Acknowledge this fact at the beginning of your speech. Find a narrow aspect of the topic that may be new to listeners. Offer a new perspective on the […]

Write about how people reacted to the speech, for instance some people loved it and some people hate it.

For Main point 1- This Is the history part, This is where you set the historical context, and this is where you also write what was going on in the world during this speech. Transitions- I’m sure you will have to rewrite those as well. Main Point 2- For this part, you would have to […]