Describe any drug side effects and/or adverse effects of the drug treatment and their biological basis, including issues related to contraindications, interactions, drug metabolism, and elimination.

Introduction: Evaluate the disorder in terms of symptomatic and behavioral presentation. Include the time, course, and progression of the disorder. Evaluate and explain special features of the disease epidemiology including risk factors for development of the disorder, lifespan and reproductive factors increasing risk of developing the disorder, and any genetic, environmental, or behavioral factors that […]

Describe the role teachers and other school staff should play in the area of prevention.

Many traumatic injuries can be prevented. Think First is an organization that addresses prevention (research and policy) of injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injury (SCI), and other injuries. Explore the website and: Discuss a minimum of one prevention strategy to prevent TBI in children and youth. Describe the role teachers and […]

How do you think these individuals cope with such injuries-How can we decrease the number of these types of injuries.

When the Spinal Cord is Injured Discussion When the spinal cord is injured some bodily functions such as breathing and toilet control may be impaired. Many of these injuries occur as a result of “high risk” behaviors. How do you think these individuals cope with such injuries? How can we decrease the number of these […]

Will this player be able to breathe on his own after this injury-Why or why not?

A & P Questions 1. A football player drops his head to make a tackle, upon contact he suffers a catastrophic cervical spine injury, severing the spinal cord at the C2 level. Will this player be able to breathe on his own after this injury? Why or why not? 2. A patient involved in a […]