What is client discord and how is it different from resistance?

What is Motivational Interviewing What is motivational interviewing (MI)? What is the righting reflex? What are two examples of the righting reflex? What is client discord and how is it different from resistance? What is the spirit of MI? Briefly describe each domain. What are the four processes of MI? What are reflections? What are […]

Write an essay explaining the appropriate balance between formal and substantive equality in relation to the spirit and purpose of section 15 and the appropriate treatment of sex difference.

Formal and Substantive Equality under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms Essay Topic: Section 15 of the Charter states that everyone has the right to equality without discrimination on the basis of sex. We have examined cases in which both men and women have alleged sex discrimination with varying degrees of success. Write an essay […]

What extent does the historical record as presented in Spirit help readers completely unfamiliar with Hmong culture understand Lia’s story?

Use quotes from the book “The Spirit catches you and you Fall Down” By Anne Fadiman from pages 3-249. This is going to be the final draft that I turn in Assignment Directions: WA 3: Empathy In Historical Context (15% final draft + 5% process) Philosopher J.D. Trout argues that empathy is having a full […]