What is the relationship between “faith” and “wisdom” in our spiritual lives? How do these two concepts/principles influence each other?

Description As follow up today’s class, please do the following activities and post your work on our blog no later than tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 2) at 10pm: Go to the Guru Granth Sahib pdf and use the “Find” (ctrl + F) to search for all the passages that contain the words “love” and “peace” in […]

Explain.What may have motivated the rise of Protestantism in the early sixteenth century?

What may have motivated the rise of Protestantism in the early sixteenth century? You may want to take into account the spiritual/emotional issues of individuals, broad political factors, cultural dynamics, economic trends, and even technological developments (like the printing press). You can consider the rise of the Lutherans, the Reformed tradition (Calvinism), and the Anabaptists. […]

An American thinker, Ralph Waldo Emerson, once said that everyone is either born a Platonist or an Aristotelian. He thought that basically Platonists were drawn to the spiritual and Aristotelians were drawn to the physical. Based on the assigned readings, What do you think about that comment?.

1. An American thinker, Ralph Waldo Emerson, once said that everyone is either born a Platonist or an Aristotelian. He thought that basically Platonists were drawn to the spiritual and Aristotelians were drawn to the physical. Based on the assigned readings, What do you think about that comment?. 2. Logic helps us to identify common […]