Identify the main types of business entities and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Prompt: Read the case study below. In your discussion, address the critical element that follows. Case Study Three: Jeb and Josh are lifelong friends. Jeb is a wealthy wind-power tycoon, and Josh is an active outdoor enthusiast. They have decided to open a sporting goods store, Arcadia Sports, using Jeb’s considerable financial resources and Josh’s […]

Critically analyse core biomechanical principles identifying how they apply to a range of sporting movements.

earning outcomes assessed: 1. Explain how force is generated, analysing the effects of force application to sporting activities 2. Critically analyse core biomechanical principles identifying how they apply to a range of sporting movements. 3. Appraise methods for analysing movement and biomechanical data. 4. Conduct appropriate biomechanical analysis 5. Analyse sporting actions and suggest changes […]