Describe your participants and explain how you will recruit them (e.g. age range, classroom members, members of a sports team, etc.)

ASSIGNMENT Recall the study discussed in (Chapter 3, Part A video) lecture by Leibert & Baron (1972). In this study, an experimental design (quantitative NOT qualitative) was used to determine whether viewing aggressive films was linked with an increased willingness to hurt another child. Unlike Leibert and Baron’s study (1972), which employed a quantitative approach, […]

Discuss How big should the sample size be for the interviews and the survey?

What is the population of interest? In other words, who will potentially buy the new Wii Sports? Are they current customers, does Nintendo want to attract new customers who own a Wii but do not play Wii Sports, or is the company also targeting potential new customers who do not yet own a Wii? How […]

Explain how the facility was built (the politics behind it, the money, the construction process, etc.) and how it is currently operated

For this class the project will be a case study of a specific sport venue (Dodger Stadium). You will undertake a comprehensive overview of how the facility was built (the politics behind it, the money, the construction process, etc.) and how it is currently operated. It is important to be able to solve real business […]

Describe the information in the “How do I handle performance anxiety as an athlete” article.

Topic: What is mental toughness? What does happiness have to do with learning & Sports? Paper details: Instructions: Describe the information in the “How do I handle performance anxiety as an athlete” article. Discuss the information in “How to stay mentally tough (even when you want to quit)” & “Psychology of a winner” videos. Can […]