Compare Thomas of Chobham and St Augustine’s conceptions of ethos.

Medieval Rhetoric Discussion Question Compare Thomas of Chobham and St Augustine’s conceptions of ethos. Don’t just do two paragraphs with one describing Chobham and one describing St Augustine. Instead, make a claim about how they connect/differ/overlap/etc and support with evidence from their works. Should be able to identify your claim and your support for your […]

What would a divine command ethicist say is the moral thing to do here-Why would they say that-Do you agree with the divine command ethics-Why-why not?

Discussion 2 For a discussion post.Be sure to answer each question thoroughly. Initial Post Instructions St. Augustine in the 5th Century held that we are free to make choices in life. This is the idea of free will. It may seem at first glance odd for a religious thinker to say that we have free […]