Do you agree that criminals can be restored through community interaction? Considering the fact that recidivism rates are so high, are traditional sanctions a waste of time, and are restorative methods the wave of the future?

Chapter 9 and 10 Review questions and answers Chapter 9 questions: 1. Discuss the sentencing disposition in your jurisdiction (St. Petersburg, FL). What are the pros and cons of each? 2 . Discuss the issue of capital punishment. In your opinion, does it serve as a deterrent? what new rulings have the supreme court made […]

What ways did the US federal government facilitate segregation and inequality through redlining?

2.3 Big Essay 2 In what ways did the US federal government facilitate segregation and inequality through redlining? How were the ‘Red’ areas described and how did these descriptions reflect racist assumptions? How were the four ‘Negro’ areas of Miami described? How was St. Petersburg area D7 described? What reasons might you give for the […]