What information do you need to find to continue answering or perhaps even refining your research question?

• What was your initial research question? Why should you choose cybersecurity as your career? • How did the sources you found impact your thinking about your topic? How did they impact your understanding of your topic? How did they affect your opinion on your topic? • Based on your research so far, how might […]

How does the state define “be of good moral character”?

Licensure requirements and Professional Organization Response http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/mhp/mhcbroch.htm Go to your state’s mental health counseling licensure requirement website. Look through Through your state’s website information research, the state’s definition of Mental Health Counseling, as well as the requirements mandated to become a licensed Mental Health Counselor. (3 pages) Answer each of the following questions: What is […]

What are the major factors that are leading to low population numbers for these species?

Go to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species website http://www.fws.gov/endangered/ and do a search for your State and County and determine the species that are that are threatened or endangered in your county. Please list the species below: In addition choose two of the species and read their recovery action plans. What are […]

Describe the study and/or situation, noting the null and alternative hypothesis if the study or situation.

Topic: STAT 280-Week 7 RESPOND Come up with a real-life situation in which you might be curious to know if there is a difference between two means (averages). State the null and alternative hypothesis of your real-life situation. Alternatively, you may research other examples of situations where hypothesis testing could be used in decision-making. Describe […]

What is important to learn and remember from the picket fence model?

The format for Journals is always: FQR. Remember the format for Journals is always: FQR. F is for Fact: write a fact that you think is interesting and/or important from the text. Q is for Question: write a specific question that you have about your fact. R is for Response or Reaction: write your answer […]

Discuss and evaluate the status quo and the relevant laws or policies, offer future prospects (if the status quo and the current laws/policies were continued), and give reasonable and justified recommendations.

ESSAY Task: State an issue, discuss and evaluate the status quo and the relevant laws or policies, offer future prospects (if the status quo and the current laws/policies were continued), and give reasonable and justified recommendations.