How did you perform the analyses, what statistical result did you get, and what does that tell us under the context.

Relations Between Two Variables Explore statistics of NBA players in season 2021-2022 on NBA website( Make a guess what statistics are strongly correlated. Select two of those statistics, for example, playing time and efficiency, perform statistical analyses to see if the results confirm your hypothesis. What a thesis on your conjecture. Make sure to explain […]

Write a Research Article Analysis include distinct sections that reflect the stages of the research process

Research Article Analysis Write a Research Article Analysis include distinct sections that reflect the stages of the research process, usually the following sections in the following order: ° Introduction: description of the purpose of the investigation and the issues being reported, review of the background literature, and study objectives and/or hypotheses ° Method: full description […]

What data collection methods have you noted in your review of literature?

Instructions Using the same six articles you used for your annotated bibliography in Module Four, submit a short paper addressing the following: What research methods have been used to address your research problem? Were these methods appropriate? What data collection methods have you noted in your review of literature? Evaluate the appropriateness of statistical analyses […]