Briefly explain what experience(s) as a nurse led you to this hypothesis.

Your Hypothesis Test No doubt, in your experience as a nurse, you have noticed certain trends among your patients. Maybe you’ve noticed that teens seem to suffer more from physical symptoms of anxiety than people of other ages. Maybe you suspect that patients with higher salaries tend to visit their primary care physicians more frequently. […]

Locate an article that utilized Goodness of fit test to study observed traits about a population.Comment on the statistical test used, did the authors consider or use other statistical tests in addition to Goodness of fit? If so how do the results compare?

Description locate an article that utilized Goodness of fit test to study observed traits about a population. Write a short (approximately 3 pages) summary of the article. APA style is used for all written assignments. Indicate the parameters of interest. Identify and comment on the size, and suitability of the sample. Comment on the statistical […]

What method of inquiry did you use? What data did you use? Where/how did you collect it? How did you process the data? What statistical test did you use?

What method of inquiry did you use? What data did you use? Where/how did you collect it? How did you process the data? What statistical test did you use? Why did you use it? How did you ensure the data met the assumptions of the test? Discuss sample size and power. Summarize this section within […]

Discuss the purpose of the study,describe what the study is about.

Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize the purpose of the study. Describe what the study is about. Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize the description of the type of research and the design of the study. Include how it supports the purpose (aim or intent) […]