Discuss With reference to statistical analysis and scientific research, what is meant by the expression “statistically significant”, and how can such information be used for effective decision-making?

With reference to statistical analysis and scientific research, what is meant by the expression “statistically significant”, and how can such information be used for effective decision-making?

Which of the arguments above do you consider largest contributing factor to the dark figure of crime? In other words, which one do you believe to be of most concern for crime analysts and the degree of accuracy to which their statistical crime analyses concludes?

People may be unaware that a crime has been committed because they view it as normal or trivial behavior. Victims are unaware that they have been victimized – either because of the nature of the crime, such as fraud, or because the victims are drunk, mentally ill, or otherwise incapable of understanding what has happened. […]

Compare clinical significance and statistical significance; include which one is more meaningful to you when considering application of findings to nursing practice.

Data analysis is key for discovering credible findings from implementing nursing studies. Discussion and conclusions can be made about the meaning of the findings from the data analysis. • Share what you learned about descriptive analysis (statistics), inferential analysis (statistics), and qualitative analysis of data; include something that you learned that was interesting to you […]

Explain Why is the misleading visualization a problem? Can you find a visualization that tells a more accurate story? Is it okay to exaggerate a visualization for effect?

Covid19 Search online for a misleading statistical visualization. Post the link, briefly describe what the author hopes to convey, and explain why the visualization is misleading. Why is the misleading visualization a problem? Can you find a visualization that tells a more accurate story? Is it okay to exaggerate a visualization for effect? Suggest at […]

Find a study published in a peer-reviewed journal (that is not funded by the government, hint: search on PubMed to start) and explain why the figures they presented made it clear what they were presenting or what the results were.

We have often read studies that attempt to explain a phenomenon to us in text or using statistical language, but we can likely understand complex studies more clearly using clear data presentation techniques. Find a study published in a peer-reviewed journal (that is not funded by the government, hint: search on PubMed to start) and […]

Describe your study design and make sure to include how you plan to measure your variables and what statistical analyses you plan to use.

Briefly explain your research question, variables, and hypothesized predictions. Next, describe your study design and make sure to include how you plan to measure your variables and what statistical analyses you plan to use. Provide justification for the statistical analysis you select. Next, clarify how this statistical analysis will help support your hypothesis. Lastly, summarize […]

iscuss and justify whether parametric or non-parametric test would be suitable for this data.Run the appropriate statistical test and discuss the results.

equirements:Your task is to select and apply statistical analysis techniques to examine the data and derive some conclusions to the following questions:1.Formulate a research question for this study.2.Select the appropriate data to conduct a statistical test to determine if there is a significant difference between 2 independent groups.•Describe and plot relevant data selected from the […]

What are 2–3 relationships between the economic concern you selected and that specific country’s economy?Discuss.

As an employee of a company that is considering investing in a foreign economy, you have been asked to research a country and make a presentation to your colleagues about an area of economic concern in the country. Select a country in Africa, Asia, or Latin America to research. Select 1 of the following economic […]

Discuss,Select one of the more common statistical tests used in nursing research. State which statistic you selected. What level of measurement is required for using your selected statistical test? Provide an example of how your selected statistical test could be used in a nursing research study.

Paper details: Select one of the more common statistical tests used in nursing research. State which statistic you selected. What level of measurement is required for using your selected statistical test? Provide an example of how your selected statistical test could be used in a nursing research study.

Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests). Describe plan for data analysis of study variables (descriptive and inferential statistical tests)

Week 8 Midweek Assignment Assignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment Due September 4 at 11:59 PM Research Proposal Draft By the due date assigned, write a 1-page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal. Methodology Data Analysis Plans Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests). Describe plan for […]