Do you know of any films, commercials, books, etc. that reinforce this stereotype?

Everyone is susceptible to stereotyping. People are stereotyped regarding age, appearance, occupation,race, gender and socio-economic status. They are stereotyped because they play sports (or don’t play sports), because they live in an urban area (or a rural area). Stereotyping occurs when one person makes assumptions about someone else based on one trait. Reflect on your […]

Is this empirical evidence to prove that stereotypes exist when it comes to prosecutors charging acquaintance rape?

Is this empirical evidence to prove that stereotypes exist when it comes to prosecutors charging acquaintance rape? Because this claim is institutional in nature, what precautions or policy changes would you suggest reducing this stereotype? How would you enforce this policy?  

Do you think there is anyway for bias and stereotypes no to exists? How can we teach children at a young age not to develop any biases or stereotypes?

stereotype and bias? Not What is the difference between stereotype and bias? What bias or stereotype are you aware of in yourself? When did you come to this realization and what have you done about it? Do you think there is anyway for bias and stereotypes no to exists? How can we teach children at […]

What would you change about both of these advertisements to more ethically and accurately portray the images used?

Advertisement Analysis Read the articles How Photoshop Changed The World and Restricted Visions of Multiracial Identity in Advertising Search online for two advertisements: 1) One that depicts a stereotype 2) One that you believe might cross ethical guidelines due to altering the image. These advertisements can be from anywhere, but you must be able to […]

What was Chris McCandless seeking in the wilderness-Do you think he found it before he died?

From the book Into The Wildnerness. Jon Krakauer writes: “McCandless didn’t conform particularly well to the bush-casualty stereotype. Although he was rash, untutored in the ways of the backcountry, and incautious to the point of foolhardiness, he wasn’t incompetent he wouldn’t have lasted 113 days if he were. And he wasn’t a nutcase, he wasn’t […]

Address the existence of implicit bias and how it aligns or conflicts with your beliefs and actions.

Overview: In this learning module, we explored the ways in which stories influence and shape culture, beliefs, biases, and stereotypes. King utilizes the story of the turtle as an example of the depth of stories and that we often only understand or receive stories at “face value” without understanding how one’s story was built. Adichie […]