Does this argument extend to other areas of life beyond fictional representation? Why or why not?

Instructions Throughout this course, we have examined a variety of different dimensions of diversity, how diversity is represented, what role intersectionality and privilege play in creating and maintaining bias and discrimination, and how we learn our “single stories” about diversity. This final project in the course will require you to bring all of these ideas […]

Describe memory and its functioning.

Topic: Design an Educational Brochure Develop a brochure. Your brochure should be an educational brochure designed for the larger community, or population, in which you describe memory and its functioning. You can include information on stereotypical thinking and biases in cognition, and suggestion of how to be aware of, and change, these thought processes. Length: […]

Do you think the portrayals were accurate-Do you think they represent the majority of the individuals with these disabilities?

Questions: 1. How are the disabilities portrayed in the movies (positive, unfavorable, life-changing, heroic, etc.), and what traits do the characters represent the disabilities? Do you consider them stereotypical? To what extent do the two films treat these issues differently (compare/contrast)? Explain your answer. 2. Do you think the portrayals were accurate? Do you think […]

o you think that this week’s characters are more to blame for the conflicts and adversities they face, or does the fault lie more greatly in the outside forces affecting them?

Discuss the portrayal of women in one or more of the stories we’ve read so far. Are they flat or round characters? Static or dynamic? To what degree, in your opinion, are the main female characters depicted in stereotypical ways- and do you think the author was fully aware of any gender stereotypes in his […]

What do you think is shared amongst the majority of Americans in terms of culture (meaning those ideas, beliefs, values, and behaviors that are both shared and learned amongst a group of persons.)?

What is American Culture? 1. What do you think is shared amongst the majority of Americans in terms of culture (meaning those ideas, beliefs, values, and behaviors that are both shared and learned amongst a group of persons.)? 2.Provide a video clip or other interesting link to support your idea/s. You can also talk about […]

How can the assumptions we make about social groups unconsciously influence our attitudes, language-actions in subtle ways?

7-2 Project Two Describe the socio-psychological implications of implicit bias on our ability to view others through a DEI lens. Address the following in your response: How can the assumptions we make about social groups unconsciously influence our attitudes, language, and actions in subtle ways? Given the shift from unconscious to conscious perception, describe how […]